
April 16, 2008 Minutes

Page history last edited by Brandon 16 years, 8 months ago

Minutes from April 16, 2008


Happy Green Week!  

New Business
GrnWk- "we're having it!" yes, yes we are. So far, our events have gone down
successfully! Monday's 'On the Rag' forum held by Marwin was very
interesting/informative. Everyone who attended seemed determined to change their
disposable-using ways! hooray! The potting party on Tuesday was also a lot of fun,
according to Anna, and little seeds were given new homes! On Wednesday, everyone was
clamoring to try Marwin and Res' vegan baked goods. We raised about 25-30 dollars in
donations! yays. Tonight, Thursday, a founding member of FoodnotBombs will be
speaking in Hum. 132 at 7:30. EVERYONE GO!

Partay- There will be another 'Green House' party this Saturday night, Apr.19th
10:00 at
10 South Lake. It will be 5$ to drink, IF you're of age ;) Stop on by for a rabble
good time.

May day- The Make-your-own protest will be going on May 1st, beginning around 11 am
at the small fountain. Everyone attending is encouraged to wear a black shirt. We
will be
making signs and homemade instruments at the April 30th green meeting, so come on
down to participate!

SA money- The CG voted not to register for SA funds next semester. We will be
funds in the 'traditional' ways.

Clothing Exchange- Tess will be holding a clothing exchange on all four quads next
Friday, April 25th between 4-8. State Quad: 4-4:45, Indian 5-545, Dutch 6-645 and
Colonial 7-8. Bring your old clothes, jewelry, shoes, etc and take from what's
The rest will be donated to Goodwill. Anyone interested in helping out should email
at Sullivanther@gmail.com

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