Everything you wanted to know from tonight Campus Greens Meeting
1) Old Business.
a) Earth Week was last week! We planted a tree on the corner of Empire Commons in memory of the Pine Bush Forest. We also had a pretty successful Critical Mass and gave some ualbany drivers a bunch of angst by riding our bikes around campus!!!
b) Campus Action had an awesome protest last Thursday against Military on Campus. Great Job!!!
2) New Business.
a) Movie night THIS Thursday co-sponsered by Campus Action. We'll be showing S Men at 7:30 in Fine Arts 114. Come support our last movie night of the semester!
b) Dippikil is next weekend May 6,7,8. It's 20 bucks if you still want to go there are spots open!!! It's going to be TONS of fun!
c) End of the Year Party at the Green House (10 S.Lake Ave) next tuesday at 10. It's always a good time so come party your butts off before finals start!!!!!!
d) Elections were today! Our new E-Board (with a wild game of rock paper scissors shoot making some of the final decisions):
Feeg (Rob)-president, Matt - Vice President, Luke - Treasurer, and Kristen -"secretary"
3) Annoucements.
-Stay alert for next weeks planning meeting for Dippikil!
-Students for Ethical Purchase Agreenments need E-board positions!! If you are interested in helping get COKE of campus please let someone on the board, or Steve Heath know through email!!
-Campus Action meeting tommorrow at 6:00 please show up if you want to be a part of their board next semester they are in serious need of people for positions!!!
-If anyone has any great ideas they'd like to see for next semester, or even the summer, don't hesistate to let an e-board member know and we'll be happy to begin planning.
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