
February 1 Minutes

Page history last edited by Brandon 17 years, 4 months ago

Minutes from February 1, 2006


General Interest Meeting Minutes


Upcoming Campus Greens Meetings:


Every Tuesday in the Social Sciences buidling Rm. 131

Next Tuesday, February 7th There is no meeting, the Greens encourage

everyone to attend an event with Michael Klare:


7:30 pm:

"Oil, War & Geopolitics: The Foreign Policy Implications of U.S.

Dependency on Imported Petroleum," a lecture by Michael Klare, at Lecture

Center 1 of the Uptown Campus of the University at Albany. Prof. Michael

Klare is director of the Five College Program in Peace & World Security

Studies at Hampshire College, author of "Blood and Oil" and "Resource

Wars" and defense analyst of "The Nation." Sponsored by Albany Chapter,

United University Professions; Graduate Student Organization Programming

Committee; Greater Capital Region Teacher Center; SUNYA Peace & Justice;

University at Albany Departments of Anthropology, History, and Sociology;

and Upper Hudson Peace Action. Everyone is welcome to attend. For more

info: 442-4789


Albany County Green Party meetings are held the First and Third Thursdays

of each month. On the first Thursday meetings are held at the Social

Justice Center, On the third, at the Albany Public Library.


Outline of Ideas for semester:


Please feel free to make suggestions, comments, and additions to this list.


We are working on an anti-sweatshop campaign

More info TBA


March 20th is the anniversary of the Iraq War. Join us in travelling to

NYC to join a protest.


The week of the 20th (13th-20th) the Campus Anti War Network will be

organizing a week of events. Included is a planned walkout to coincide

with one at Albany High School. Stay tuned for more info. from CAN and

The Greens on joint activities.


In April we will focus primarily on Earth Week/Day activies:


Planting trees and other plants, environmental speakers, and a hopefully,

a concert.


We will also work with SUNYA Peace and Justice toward better recycling on

this campus. As far as a short term goal we will be organizing groups to

take over the Fruit Bat Observation League's efforts to take recycling

into our own hands.


For a long term goal, we would like to see this campus do what is legal

and right and start recycling the material they pick up that is currently

being thrown away. Meetings of the recycling program here at U Albany are

held on the 4th Thursday of each month in the basement of the Facilities

Managment building. from 10 to 11 am. The head of it is Tim Reilly.

We encourage all to attend these meetings and confront Mr. Reilly.




Plays in Progress at the Studio Theatre in Preforming Arts Center:

Feb. 10th and 11th at 7:30 pm

These plays are written and preformed by our outstaning theatre students

and deal with relevant and important issues.


Some videos we may show:


-David Ray Griffin on the 9/11 'Ommision Commison'

-"High" A film, sponsored by Students for a Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)

about Marijuana legalization.


Noam Chomsky will be speaking in Binghamton University, March 4th at 7pm

in the Anderson Center. It is free, however it may sell out and a ticket

is needed.




Finally, for those partyers out there, Come to Casa Verde on Friday Feb.

10th at 10 pm. Casa Verde is located off of WEstern Ave. at 10 South Lake

Ave. Is it a hop skip and jump from the corner of Lake and Western, where

the 11 bus stops.


Thanks to all who attended the meeting for the first time, and remember

we'll take your help on a whatever/whenever you can do basis.

Technically, even coming to planning meetins is not the most important

thing you can do. We do ask that you stay in touch with our group

throughout the semester and actively participate in a few things in order

to be an active member.


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