
February 13, 2008 Minutes

Page history last edited by Brandon 16 years, 10 months ago

Minutes from February 13, 2008


Greetings and salutations,


Oh man, last night's meeting was so cool! A ninja just hopped in one of the windows as we were discussing 'old business', and gave high fives to everyone! HIGH FIVES! My hand can still feel the ninja hand's imprint. Too bad all of those people from the GIM missed it. Gosh..I wonder what they'll get to experience if they show up next time!?

Anyway, here's what else went down-


Old Business

- Brandon elaborated a bit more about his meeting with Mary Ellen Mallia, newly-appointed director of the Environmental Sustainability Committee. It seems that she is eager to up communications with the Greens, and asked him for a list of things we'd like to see done around here. Apparently she also has some good ideas for other projects. That's just peachy. We'll see if anything pans out in the future.


New Business

- Campus Greens Conference: The Vassar College Greens are hosting a conference to meet with the Greens from SUNY Albany and Ithaca to meet and discuss how we all do things on our respective campuses. There will be some fun and interesting workshops as well as free food. (Hurrah!) This event will take place on Saturday, February

23rd, from 10-4. Rides will be leaving from SUNY between 7:30 and 8:00 am on Saturday. If

you're interested in going, contact Brandon or LeeFrances, or respond to the facebook

event invite. http://albany.facebook.com/event.php?eid=10243825565


- Movie Nights: Though this isn't exactly new business, WE'RE PUTTING IT HERE. A film will definitely be shown on Feb. 28th at 7:30 in one of the LCs, the number of which will soon be revealed! Sicko or An Unreasonable Man are the probable choices.


- Earth Week: As is customary, the Campus Greens will be organizing events for the week preceding Earth Day, which will fall on Sunday, April 19th. Ideas discussed at this week's meeting included a flower planting workshop, a vegan bake giveaway, and others. If you'd like to plan an event, or help out, come to any of our meetings on Wed.

nights at 7 in Earth Science 108, or contact any of the Campus Greens board members.


And I guess that concludes things. Happy Valentine's day everyone!!! <3 <3 <3





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