
February 6, 2008 Minutes

Page history last edited by Brandon 16 years, 11 months ago

Minutes from February 6, 2008



So, since this was the GIM, Presidente B. did a whole spiel about who the Campus Greens are and what we stand for, etc etc. Thanks B, it was lovely. Somebody had made delightful handouts with all of this, as well as some weekly information which I will recap in here anyway. (If you really want you could probably get one off of Brandon,

Ana, or LeeFrances.) Also, we had a pretty sweet turnout. (yay). Hopefully many of you new guys will stick around.


Upcoming Events


-Social Action Conference: This fantastic event is being held by Students for Worker's Rights and the Campus Greens for the purposes of bringing progressive student groups together to talk about what issues each thinks should be tackled this year, and seeing what projects people are working on. It will take place on Friday, Feb. 29th, and Saturday, March 1st from approximately 10-4. There will be 3 panels on Friday- one on the war in

Iraq, one on feminism and violence, and another on global issues. Saturday's time will be spent on skill-building workshops. This will be the second conference that the Campus Greens and Students for Worker's Rights have held, and it is definitely going to be a blast.

More updates to come.


-Movie Nights: Everyone loves a good flick. Shut up, yes you do. The Greens will be having several movie nights this semester, the first of which will most likely take place two weeks from now on Thursday, Feb. 21st. Of course, these films will be of a political nature. Some prospective movies are An Unreasonable Man, the Ralph Nadar documentary; Sicko, the Michael Moore film about our crappy health care system; and An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore's documentary discussing global warming.


-Green Party parties: Ah, yes, the infamous Campus Green shindigs. If you're looking for a rockin' good time with pals and/or shining new faces, some booze, plus a way to help the Greens rake in the dough, come to one/several of these! It is not yet known when and where such an event will take place, but if you join the Campus Greens'

facebook group, you'll be sure to get an invite.



Weekly Stuff

-Food Not Bombs: We went over the basics of the FnB for all of the new people, and a short blurb was provided on the handout, so I feel no need to beat a dead horse, even though that could be fun. Here is the bare bones info for those who may have forgotten- we meet at 9 Western Ave at 5:30 every Monday night, and food is served at the

Social Justice Center at 33 Central around 7:00. Do it, it's awesome.


-Urban Volunteer Core: This program, begun by the magical Dave Lussier, is a

perpetual attempt at beautifying Albany. I don't think it has worked yet :(  BUT WE MUST KEEP ON. The planting of bulbs this season will begin on Tues, March 18th, weather permitting. More info to come.


-Potlucks: People (YOU) + food/$$/littlehandsforwashingdishes + awesome =

potluck. Seriously, this is a tasty and delightful time of the week. Every Sunday around 8.

Location on a rotating schedule- see the wiki website for details.



-Tabling: Promote the coolest party on campus! Volunteers to sit at the Campus Greens' table and hand out lit/talk with people will be highly appreciated, and perhaps even worshipped. Tabling takes place in the Campus Center or Lecture Halls every Wednesday this month from 10-3. Those interested should talk to LeeFrances or




People interested in an internship with the Albany Green Party should contact Brandon, LeeFrances, or Peter LaVenia.


And that concludes the novel, my pretties. Maybe I'll be nice and send you an even longer one next week.


With much love,



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