Welcome to the Albany Greens Wiki
- Just what the heck is a wiki you ask?
Well, first off a wiki is our way to make an interactive and community based website. The idea behind a wiki is that the people visiting the site are able to edit the content of the site. A wiki is a constantly evolving website comprised of contributions from many vistors.
Using the wiki is a snap. Just create a wiki account here and email the Albany Greens Listserv at AlbanyGreenParty@yahoogroups.com for the password. This will allow you to be a contibutor and edit the wiki.
- For more information, check out the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page at What Is A Wiki to find out.
Numerous special and weekly events that the County and Campus are doing.
The best way to track our roving potlucks on Sunday nights. The best meal you'll have all week.
The Campus Greens are active every fall and spring semester on the SUNY Albany campus. They put on movie nights, protests, anti-recruitment. anti-war, and other on going campaigns.
The Albany County Greens plan and coordinate Green activity in and around Albany County. For meeting times and places check out the page
The ideals the Greens represent. Feel free to add anything under the appropriate heading.
Compiled list of media contacts from around the Capital Region.
A collection links ranging from green news sites to online comics and blogs.
A collection of all the far-out ideas and concepts that have recently captured our imaginations.

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