
March 14 Minutes

Page history last edited by Brandon 17 years, 5 months ago

Minutes from March 14, 2006


In old business, we had a coll protest of Hillary Clinton last Friday. It

made news across the state and nation. There is also a good writeup in the



- Progressive Tabling- TOMMOROW!


Here is who is coming and when-


Kristen Ahlstrand 12-4

Noam Kurland 3:45-4:30

Steven Oberhofer 10-10:45/ 11:30-1:40/2:35-

Will 11-1

Luke- All Day

John Taylor

Matt D 9-1215

Cliff 1230-140


Also Tommorow at 11:45 NYPIRG will be gathering people to protest the

shoddy DEC cleanup plan of the Brownfields.


Also tommorow, at 7:30 in LC 25 the Greens will show "Fallujah" a powerful

film about the impact of American invasion on normal Iraquis.




This Saturday, 3/18 from 2-4 pm Local groups will be protesting at the

Central Ave (785 Central Ave.) Hummer Dealership.


MONDAY MARCH 20th WIll be a HUGE day for us.


All day long we will have a stage available in front of the Campus Center

Fountain for students/staff/faculty to express their thoughts on the war.+

WE NEED SPEAKERS- if you or anyone you know would like to speak pelase

stop by.


Then, at 12:10 we will have a Die-In and stay dead until about 12:45 - If

the ground is dry this will take place at the top of the LC stairs nearest

the Campus Center, if it is wet, it will be more toward to CC Fountain.


Then, from 4-6 Local peace and activist groups will attempt to surround

the Federal Building across from the Palace Theatre- Carpool/Busing info

to follow.


on 3/21 There will be a Press COnference and unveiling of an Anti-War

billboard. More info to come.


on 3/25 Next Saturday, Ralph Nader will roll into Albany, and we are happy

to host a free speech. Donations are, however, accepted. This will be at

1pm- Location TBA.


Earth Week Events- Look for events to be annoucned shortly


The week after Earth Week 4/24-30 We will be hosting a number of upcoming

Green Party State candidates. More Info to come.


DIPPIKILL! We will hold our pilgrimage to Dippikill for a weekend of

Bonding and Partying on May 4th,5th,and 6th. The 6th is a Sunday, and we

will be leaving on Sunday. Cost is about 25 $ and well worth it. Contact

Will McSwain for info and reservations.




This Thursday- 3/16- The County Greens will hold their meeting at the

Socical Justice Center from 6-8 pm. The SJC is on Central Ave near Henry

Johnson Blvd.


Also, on 3/24 There will be a meeting of the Albany Convention Center

Commitee at 9am. Please come out and speak your mind on the issue.


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