Minutes from March 3, 2006
1. Old Buisness
- we now have a button maker and are making buttons to give away at our table. the Campus Greens and Albany County Greens split the cost of the button maker.
-progressive tabling day on 3/7 was a success with Campus Greens, Campus Action, Campus Anti-war Network, Young Socialists, NYPIRG, SUNYA Peace and Justice and ISO in attendence. the next one will be Wednesday March 15th
-Sally and Matt traveled to Houston, Texas to the Fair Labor Association conference as part of the anti-sweat shop campaign to get our school to adopt the Designated Suppliers Proposal.
2. Movie Night - Falluja
- the showing of Faluja April 2004 has been pushed back to next Wednesday...time and location will be announced soon
3. Anti-War Events - Hilasry Clinton visit
- there is talk of a possible Die-In in front the Campus Center March 20th as a protest to the war and to advertise for the rally around the federal building downtown later that day from 4-6pm. there will be a protest planning meeting to be announced soon. if you are interested in taking part in the planning, email us.
- Hillary Clinton will be on Campus from 11am to Noon on Friday, March 10th in the Science Library. Students and community people will be there to protest her support for corporate welfare, the patriot act, the war in Iraq and her general lack of commitment to the people of NY. There will be a sign making party Thursday night at the Green House (10 south lake ave, downtown albany) at 8pm. protestors will be meeting between the campus center and the science library around 10:30-11am.
4. Earth Week
- Luke has found us a speaker from the NYS Bike Coalition to do a talk and workshop about bike repair, maintenece and safty and how we can make our communities more bike friendly
- Brock is organizing several events for earth week.
5. Dippikill
- Reservations have been made for a 25 person cabin at Dippikill Park for a weekend in the Adirondacks for all the Greens on May 5-7. It will cost $20 per person (plus another $5 for food). If you want to go, contact Will
6. Coke Campaign
- we talked briefly about begining a campaign to remove Coca-Cola from our campus due to their crimes in Latin America and India. for more info go to
7. Anti-Sweatshop
- Monday at 3:30 there will be a meeting for those who want to become more involved in the Designated Suppliers Proposal campaign on our campus to ensure that our collegiate apparel is not made in sweatshops. location TBA.
8. green Green Party party
- Friday March 17th we're having a St. Patricks day party at the Green House. everyone come, have fun and bring friends.
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