
November 2 Minutes

Page history last edited by Brandon 17 years, 5 months ago

Minutes from November 2, 2005


Hey! Here are all the things the greens are up to and discussed at the 11/2 Meeting:



Old Business:


The Halloween Party was a huge success! We made a lot of money and hope to use that for some great events in the future! Thanks to everyone who stopped by to support us, helped decorate the house, and made the party a fun time!


The Marijuana Speaker on November first had a great turnout and was awesome thanks to Dr. Earleywine of the Psychology department!

If you are sad about missing these cool events there are some coming up in the next month:


We are showing the movie Hotel Rwanda Tuesday the 15th. There will be a speaker there to give a little background information on what has been going on in Rwanda as well. I hope a lot of people come out to see a good movie! Stay tuned for more specific information and times!!!


We are trying to get some environmental speakers to discuss air pollution around the first week of december. Keep your eyes peeled for details!


There are only a few days left in Dave Lussiers Campaign!!! He is an awesome guy running for Common Council in the 11th Ward of Albany, and one of our very own campus greens founders! If you have any free time check out how you can help his campaign at www.albanygreens.org Also, if you have any free time Tuesday the 8th to be a pole watcher during elections your help is greatly needed!!! Please email us if you want to do this!!!! Pole watchers make sure that the voting process is run legally. It is very important that the Green Party is represented to make sure the elections are fair for all candidates. (We will train you beforehand so you know what you're doing, too!) If you can't help with Dave's campaign or with polewatching, please go vote on November 8th!!!!




Seta's Vegan Thanksgiving Dinner is November 17th at 7:30 pm!! If you are planning on attending PLEASE RSVP at seta@albany.edu !!!! It's so delicious!


November 14th there is a forum on Universal Health care at Page hall! Look for flyers around campus for more details!

If you are interested in helping with Public Transportation issues and reform in Albany please email Luke at lcgucker@yahoo.com.


That's all folks! See you at our next meeting, November 9th at 7:30PM in SS 131.


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