Minutes from October 28, 2004
Killer Coke group is going to become a Student Life group and try
and get funding from the university. There should be a GIM in the
next few weeks. Meetings are at 645 in the library on thursdays.
Wednesday November 3rd Peace Rally
At 1230 at the small fountain. We will have some speeches and then
march over to Fuller and Washington near the nanotech buildings to
let them know we know we don't like the fact that they are
developing a bio chip for the military to let soldiers stay awake
for a week straight.
Bottles and Cans Drive
State Quad on monday at 8PM meet in the archway. Please come, the
more people we have the faster it goes and we make money while
helping the environment.
Indian Quad will be after the meeting on Thursday.
End of the World Party is on Election Day(tuesday)
Who ever wins we are still screwed!! and its Matt Conklins Bday.
Party starts around 9:30
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